My School Story: Your Story Rama Life

For more information about this campaign, or to submit a story, please click here.

Our first round of data results will be published in June 2024.

Story 22: Cheryl, Somerset

The hardest part about being neurodivergent, at school, was the realisation that it was *ME* that was the problem. Of course that wasn't the case - it was two clashing cultures and I happened to be in the minority one - but when you attend four different schools and...

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Story 21: Harley, Somerset

ASD ADHD What school was like: The classroom had too many people in it I generally didn't get to learn in a way that worked for me. It was overwhelming I was told I talked too much I was told I didn't try hard enough I asked for help and didn't get it My mental health...

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Story 20: Young Person, Somerset

My journey through school has been sad and a struggle . I am dylexic and autistic. I had to wait 4 years for a diagnosis . Most of my school memories are of know one understanding me . Going to secondary school has been awful experience to the point my mental health...

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Story 19: Harry, Devon

Hi. My name is Harry. I am 17 years old, and I’ve been home-educated since the very start of Covid-19 in March 2020. I spent my primary school years in East Sussex. I probably enjoyed primary school the most out of the schools I’ve been to in my lifetime. This was...

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Story 18: Sally, Warwickshire

My daughter struggled (with the amount of people, noise, proximity, demands) in nursery and primary school but we didn’t get a diagnosis until she was 8. Until then we didn’t know what was wrong and how to help her. At its worst she would refuse to leave the house,...

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Story 17: Young Person, Somerset

I have found school very scary as I have felt different to most and most of the teachers do not understand me. They expect me to be like everyone else which I find hard to do. I did get some help at school but all my support was pulled in year 6 when my Nana was at...

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– Take Part: My School Story Form Link

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– If you want to send in a video or letter etc: Email Link

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– Have us speak at your event: Email Link