Rama Life About Us

About Us
Rama Life is a not-for-profit Education Provision, founded in January 2020, by CEO Jenn Hodge. 

To learn more about the team behind our organisation, Click Here.
From July 2024 – all of our groups will be running from Frogmary Green Farm in South Petherton, Somerset.


Our Vision is to have a funded, Rama Life provision in every town in the country, in addition to rural bases.

Our Mission is to revolutionise access to neuro-inclusive, affordable education and social spaces for young people who are neurodivergent or who fall in the “needs gap” between mainstream and specialist schools.  We do this by providing small group learning, with skilled facilitators, and with a foundation in build confidence, self-esteem, resilience and wellbeing.

Our Purpose is to ensure that neurodivergent young people are not disadvantaged, by offering an alternative to mainstream school and recrational groups, which we know, does not usually meet their needs in relation to education or wellbeing.  We do this by offering provisions they can access whilst on roll at a school, as part of an EOTAS package or as a home educated young person.

Rama - Wood Burning - Leaves - Autumn

 Our Values

  • Individuality and Inclusivity
    Education is only useful if it is delivered or accessed in a style
  • Community
    We all deserve to feel part of a community and by working together we can all achieve more and feel better.
  • Outdoors
    Being outdoors is the best way to develop and improve mental and physical health.
  • Wellbeing
    Wellbeing and mental health are essential, with self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence being the foundation for happiness and productivity.
  • Growth Mindset
    Life gives us continued opportunities and challenges to allow us to grown, learn and develop skills.  This approach of reflection and reframing supports mental health and improves resilience.

The Name – Rama Life
Rama was the nickname of founder, Jenn Hodge, when she was a community youth leader.  The name is referred to in The Jungle Book (and is also the name of a Godess but there is no religious connection). The meaning is derived from the word Ram and has various translations including “Stop, stand still, rest, rejoyce and be pleased” and “a model of reason, right action, and desirable virtues”. 

Jenn set about to create educational provisions that worked for neurodivergent young people – she is very excited to see how Rama Life grows and develops over the years to come.