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Temporary Registration Page for Current Rama Life Families

I wrote this as an email but it was far too long – so I have made it a webpage and added pictures to break it all up a bit.

Please get a cuppa and take a read – it includes how to reserve groups for September and important staff updates!

Thank you for your responses to our survey earlier this week – we took everything on board and have now finalised our programme for 2024/25.  We are hoping to offer at least one evening group (details will follow in summer).

You are the FIRST people to know about these groups and you have priority booking until 1st June, when it will be launched on our website and social media.

Rama Life Programme 2024/25

Important Notes

  • Other pages on this website are NOT updated for 2024/25 yet – it will be very soon – so if you have a question – please email or speak to me!
  • We have introduced a £10 deposit for bookings – more details below.  Please note, there is no deposit needed for Monday Morning Stay and Play Groups
  • All groups starting at 9:30am to help with rush hour traffic and for consistency.

  • All groups have lunch 12:15pm – 1pm and finish at 3pm for consistency.

  • Costs listed are subsidised – if your young person recieves council funding they will eligable or our FULL rate, this includes having an EHCP or an EOTAS package, please get in touch to confirm costs.

Maths and English

Maths and English Tuition

Tuition is now only £10 per session
The session is 15 min shorter, but is £5 cheaper!


We are offering two maths classes for 11yrs +

Functional Maths is for all young people who are secondary age.  If/when young person is ready for a qualification, Michelle will speak to you and discuss how you can book with an external provider.

GCSE is for Yr 10 and above, unless you have discussed with Michelle and she has agreed that your young person is ready.


We are offering two English classes for 11yrs +

Functional English is for all young people who are secondary age.  If/when young person is ready for a qualification, Michelle will speak to you and discuss how you can book with an external provider.

GCSE is for Yr 10 and above, unless you have discussed with Ellie and she has agreed that your young person is ready.


GCSE Maths And English Tuition covers the subject in two years with home learning.

If your young person is planning to take the GCSE in 1 year, the team can provide what will be covered in the year, so you can work on any gaps at home.  If this is the case, please let us know and Michelle or Ellie will speak with you.  You need to book your own GCSE examinations.

Young people wanting to some extra maths or English tuition for GCSE level are welcome to also book the Tuesday Functional Class – Michelle & Ellie will provide scaled up activities to ensure challenge.

Maths and English

Life Skills is now being offered in two different formats and is even better!

Yr 7 – Yr 9 (Tuesdays) will focus on practical skills, well-being, budgeting and shopping skills (relevant to their age), debating and conflict resolution and they also get an incredibly useful overview of post 16 choices and adult life!  

If you have a Yr 10 young people attending Tuesday Maths and/or English and you want them to attend the Life Skills group that day thats fine – but please just drop us an email before reserving. 

Yr 10 + (Thursdays) will offer a tailored programme to assist them with the transition to post 16 and adult life (whatever that looks like for them!).  They will learn lots of practical skills, wellbeing habits and undertake activities to help them figure out where their personal skills and passions lie and ways they can take those forwards into travel, education, employment, self-employment or volunteering.  This is the ideal group to help young people plan “next steps” or to work towards any decided at home.

Both groups will include visits and visitors connected with industry and the older group will offer visits to local colleges for a much quieter “open day” experience.

Maths and English

 September Staff:

  • Michelle is continuing in her full-time capacity and will be at nearly all of our independent stay groups and will be leading both maths sessions.  Michelle has supported 1000’s of young people through GCSE Maths and we are thrilled to be offering tuition at this level for young people who are ready.

  • Ellie Hayes who currently works on a Tuesday is going to be joining us four days a week and will be leading our English groups.For those who haven’t met Ellie yet, she is a Level 3 qualified Forest School Leader, Level 4 qualified in Education and Training, has a Masters in Engineering and has a love and passion for English Language.

  • Mel will be returning from her current leave of absence and supporting various groups – including our Wednesday Skills and Social – I know everyone is missing her!

  • We are welcoming Katie to the team on May 13th.  Katie is a qualified Secondary Modern Languages teacher and is covering JT whilst she is on maternity leave.  Hopefully Katie will be able to continue with us when JT returns.

  • JT is no longer pregnant! She has had her bonny baby boy and is doing well.
    We are expecting her back between December and April.

  • We are sad to be saying good-bye to Bivi (Joe Brooks).  Joe has been with us for 2.5 years and he is much loved.  Joe is taking a step back from Rama to focus on being a stay at home Dad to his two lovely boys – but both him and us are hoping he will return in a few years with (possibly!) a GCSE science option.

  • Me, Kathryn (from Holiday Club), Tracey and Harry will all be popping up in various groups to visit and cover holidays.

Reservation Link and Deposit

To reserve your space, please complete the following form: 

2024/25 Booking Link

We are introducing a small deposit of £10 per group, per young person (with a maximum charge of £50 per family).

If you take up the place or switch to another group, your payment will be added to your account in September to reduce your ongoing payments.  

If you decide not to take up the place, it is unfortunately non-refundable.

Not sure what groups you want yet?  Thats fine!   You can always reserve one and then wait and make a decision on others later, but we are expecting to fill up quickly this year, so if you book after June 1st, we cannot guarentee a place. 

Rama Life Programme 2024/25
Special Educational Needs: Rama Life aim to support as many young people as possible and specificially those who are neurodivergent.
Please note we do not have the premises or staffing, to meet the needs of all young people. 
Please get in touch to discuss any needs that your child has and we can confirm if the group you are interested in is likely to be suitable and what reasonable adjustments we may be able to make to make it accessible.