Duke of Edinburgh with Rama Life

Expedition & EDuke of Edinburgh Award

Rama Life offer the Duke of Edinburgh scheme to any regular attendees of our groups that are from Somerset, Devon, Dorset and Cornwall and meet the age requirements.

The picture on this page of young people on Dartmoor, is from our first year Bronze Cohort!

We offer a rolling sign up programme.  Once you start you have until you are 24 years old to complete the award level you have signed up for.  

Training is provided through weekend sessions that we book in advance.  If you miss the sessions, there may be the chance to still take part, but we just need to make sure you have the skills and experience needed to be safe and that you have met your group 🙂

Registration & Expedition Cost: £100

For more info or to sign up – just get in touch!

“The Duke of Edinburgh scheme can be a life-changing experience that foccuses on self-development, supporting the community and gaining positive experiences with friends.

14-24 year-olds can do a DofE programme at one of three progressive levels which, when successfully completed, leads to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

There are four sections to complete at Bronze and Silver level and five at Gold. They involve helping the community/environment, becoming fitter, developing new skills, planning, training for and completing an expedition and, for Gold only, working with a team on a residential activity.

Achieving an Award isn’t a competition or about being first. It’s all about setting personal challenges and pushing personal boundaries. “(Taken from https://www.dofe.org/do/what/)

Duke of Edinburgh Award
Duke of Edinburgh Volunteering
Duke of Edinburgh Skill DJing
Duke of Edinburgh Sport

What training and support is provided?

  • DofE Sign up Pack
  • DofE Assistant manager attending group every week for ongoing support
  • Monthly training from one of our dedicated DofE leaders

What do the training sessions include?

  • Basic First Aid, Health & Safety & Risk Assessing
  • Stove Training & Nutrition
  • Navigation & Route Planning
  • Camping & Equipment
  • Team Building

    How old do I need to be?

    You need to be in Year 9 or above which means you are turning 14 in the current academic year.

    When can I get involved?

    We are currently accepting registrations – just get in touch!

    How much does it cost?

    Total cost including expedition is detailed above.